måndag 25 januari 2016

War Thunder Air battles

Had 2 really good runs today, one with the germans, and one with the Russians :)

tisdag 12 januari 2016

måndag 11 januari 2016

Fury Sherman Platoon

Sherman platoon, with M4a3e2 Jumbo support. Inspired to do this platoon after seeing the movie Fury.

Panzerbrigade 150

Some of Otto Skorzenys special forces for the battle of the Bulge, Disguised german vehicles. Took the easy road on these, and just used us colours.

German Panzergrenadiers in winter camo

My panzergrenadiers for the Battle of the Bulge. They can also double a Volksgrenadiers. I try to keep paints to mostly 2 layers, base and highlight. Except for the white clothes, which is 4 layers.

Late War Panthers

My Panthers for the Battle of the Bulge. Panther 401 is Ernst Barkmann. Colours used was Ammo of mig Dunkelgelb DG III, Rotbraun and Resedagrun.

söndag 10 januari 2016

Nashorn in winter camo

A Nashorn in winter camo. I used Ammo of Migs chipping fluid on top of the regular camo. once fluid had dried, i airbrushed white over it, and then chipped the paint with a brush moistened in water.